Amatyeli amaninzi umntu ukhe adibane nezivumelwano zokuthengiselana kwendlu ibe iqeshisiwe kumqashi. Umbuzo oye ubekhona uthi , athini na amalungelo omqeshi, umthengisi kunye nomthengi. Ngokomthetho oyi common law yaseMzantsi Afrika, isivumelwano sokuqeshisa asikwazi ukucinywa ngumnini mhlaba kuba eyithengisa lendlu iqeshiweyo. Esi
Read MoreDit gebeur dikwels dat ‘n eiendom wat verhuur word, deur die eienaar op die mark gesit word. Die vraag ontstaan dan wat die regte van die huurder, verkoper en koper onderskeidelik is. Ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse gemenereg mag ‘n bestaande huurooreenkoms
Read MoreLees in Afrikaans | Inguqulelo ngesiXhosa One often deals with transactions where a property that is leased to a tenant, is sold. The question then arises as to what the rights of the tenant, seller and purchaser are. In
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