Tashreeq Jaffar is a practising Attorney and Conveyancer in the firm's Property Law and Developments Department. He obtained his LLB Degree from the University of the Western Cape, completed his Articles with STBB and was admitted as an Attorney in February 2018 and as a Conveyancer in December 2018. As an Senior Associate to Allan White and Steven Borwick in the STBB Developments Department, Tashreeq deals with all matters related to Sectional Title Developments. As a young enthusiastic Conveyancer he enjoys taking on all technical conveyancing matter such as non-compensation agreements between developers and the City of Cape Town, Transfer of Common Property within a Sectional Title Scheme, drafting and registration of Notarial Deeds of Servitude.

Thought of the Week | Conveyancer’s Certificate: Why it is needed and where do I get it?

Before approving plans for the development of a property or for amendment of the use rights associated with a property, a municipality will call for a Conveyancer’s Certificate.

The Conveyancer’s Certificate is prepared by a conveyancer, being an admitted attorney who also passed the conveyancing admission examination. The certificate advises the property owner and the municipality on the existence of conditions relating to the property which may restrict or prohibit the envisaged development or use change. The municipality will in turn confirm whether the application submitted contravenes any title deed restrictions and if so, whether it is necessary for those title conditions to be removed or relaxed if permitted. Inaccuracies in the Conveyancer’s Certificate can lead to extensive delays in the municipal approval process or to hefty fines for land use contraventions. STBB is your property specialist firm of attorneys and has dedicated teams who attend to the issuing of such certificates.

Should you require a Conveyancer’s Certificate, contact us at info@stbb.co.za.

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