Answer yes or no to these questions and the first 5 correct entries received stand in line to win the bi-monthly prize:

    A surety and suretyship is one and the same thing.

    The new Franchisee Act was gazette in December 2020.

    During the periods of lockdowns occasioned by the need to curb the spread of Covid, the provisions of the National Credit Act has been put on hold so as to assist citizens to access loans from banks and other financial institutions.

    The December 2020 judgment in the Supreme Court of Appeal in President of the RSA and Another v Women’s Legal Centre Trust and Others changed the legal consequences of marriages concluded in terms of Muslim rites and Shariah Law.

    The Twin Peaks model in the financial services industry, including banks, establishes new mechanisms to regulate this industry.

    Please include me in legal news from STBB, sent from time to time. I know I can cancel it at any time I wish to.

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