Maryna holds the BA, LLB, LLM degrees and is an Executive Consultant at the Cape Town branch of STBB. She is an admitted Attorney, Notary Public, Conveyancer and Insolvency Practitioner with many years of experience in the fields of property law, conveyancing and the laws relating to corporate compliance (especially in respect of the FICA and POPIA laws). Up until 2018 she was also head of the firm’s national marketing portfolio. She is a seasoned public speaker and presenter, both in person and online. She prepares text for the majority of STBB’s internal and external publications and is editor and co-writer for two pivotal publications in the South African real estate industry – the ABC of Conveyancing (JUTA) and Delport’s South African Property Law and Practice (JUTA).

Property Law Update | Issue 03 – 2017


Venter NO and Another v Silver Lakes Homeowners Association NPC (444994/2016) [2017] ZAGPPHC 11 (20 January 2017)

The Companies Act allows members of a company to make use of proxies, without limitation on the amount of proxies one person can hold but subject to the provisions in the company’s MoI. The related question that arose for determination in this case was whether it was competent for the board of directors of a homeowners’ association – by adopting a new rule – to limit the amount of allowed proxies.

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The Judgment
Summary of the Judgment



In this, the tenth set of notes for your STSMA Reference Guide, the details of section 11 of the Act are provided. The effect of participation quotas and changes thereto is covered.

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Section 11 of the Act – Effect of participation quotas and changes thereto
(N.B. Print in landscape)

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