Newsflash | Our Offices during level 4

We are pleased to confirm that having successfully managed virtual offices over the level 5 lockdown period, we are now operational from all our physical offices in terms of the level 4 regulations. We are taking every measure to ensure the safety of our staff and clients and in doing so, are fully compliant with the health and safety prescriptions.
These measures include:
  1. Screens at reception areas
  2. Gloves and masks for clients if needed;
  3. Staff training in terms of our COVID management Policy, which policy has been uploaded to our website.
  4. Screening of all staff on a daily basis before they enter the offices;
  5. Regular sanitization of all areas in the offices
  6. Screening of clients who attend at our offices by the relevant office’s designated health officer.
  7. Sanitization of the relevant areas after each visit by a client
 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.We look forward to being of service to you. (edited) 
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