We have all become accustomed to load shedding, but recent changes to the Electricity Regulation Act have opened the door for local authorities to become self-sufficient in the production of renewable energy. In short, we might become (much) less dependent on Eskom’s (in)abilities if we embrace the potential of renewable energy.
Stellenbosch Municipality recently announced that it plans to cut ties with Eskom. In order to achieve this, it will undertake a study to determine the viability of alternative means of renewable energy and power generation by independent power producers, making use of other possibilities such as solar and wind power, methane mining, energy that is produced by individual households and businesses and fed back into the grid.
The Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities confirmed that through the Municipal Energy Resilience (MER) Project, the Western Cape government will be supporting the Stellenbosch Municipality.
A place to live with secure, ‘green’ electricity and internet is surely to impact positively on the values of the property in the jurisdiction of Stellenbosch municipality.