A popular addition to homes and security complexes, swimming pools provide leisure, enhance a property’s aesthetic appeal, and generally increase re-sale value. The installation and operation of swimming pools is, however, governed by various legal requirements. With summer in full
Read MoreAs part of government’s plan to digitalise the lodgement and registration of deeds nationwide, the Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development has published the much-anticipated draft Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Regulations (‘EDRS Regulations’) for public comment. Earlier this month,
Read MoreIn transactions involving the sale of immovable property, the discovery of a defect by a purchaser after signing a sale agreement is commonplace. From a faulty pool pump to a leaking roof and mouldy cupboards, discovering – and repairing –
Read MoreIn the prevailing economic climate, it is not uncommon for couples to want to alter their matrimonial property regime to secure their financial and proprietary interests. Specifically, couples married in community of property may decide that they’d prefer to be
Read MoreRecently, the SCA delivered a groundbreaking judgment in Mbambisa v Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, finding former officials of the Nelson Mandela Municipality personally liable for incurring irregular expenditure. In this case, the Municipality sought to recover just over R7.6
Read MoreIn a recent media statement, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (‘CIPC’), a regulatory body responsible for the registration and regulation of companies, co-operatives, and intellectual property rights, confirmed that it intends to deregister more than 500 000 companies and
Read MoreLast month, the Department of Employment and Labour (‘the Department’) published a new guideline for employers and employees on the core elements of health and safety in the workplace. Simplifying the key facets of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Read MoreIn a watershed judgment, a victim of revenge porn was awarded civil damages in the amount of R4.3 million after her former fiancé and his wife shared intimate and explicit videos and images of her on Facebook. In the recent
Read MoreIn a recent judgment highlighting the critical importance of the best interests of the child standard in divorce proceedings, the Supreme Court of Appeal (‘the SCA’) denied a father’s application for leave to appeal an order of the North Gauteng
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