Maryna holds the BA, LLB, LLM degrees and is an Executive Consultant at the Cape Town branch of STBB. She is an admitted Attorney, Notary Public, Conveyancer and Insolvency Practitioner with many years of experience in the fields of property law, conveyancing and the laws relating to corporate compliance (especially in respect of the FICA and POPIA laws). Up until 2018 she was also head of the firm’s national marketing portfolio. She is a seasoned public speaker and presenter, both in person and online. She prepares text for the majority of STBB’s internal and external publications and is editor and co-writer for two pivotal publications in the South African real estate industry – the ABC of Conveyancing (JUTA) and Delport’s South African Property Law and Practice (JUTA).

Property Law Update | Issue 15 – 2024


Standard Bank of South Africa Limited v Van Staden and Another (10690/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 142 (28 May 2024)

In this judgment, the court was asked to make a finding on some tricky arguments. First, if a loan agreement was entered into before the coming into operation of the National Credit Act but the suretyship in respect of the borrower’s obligations signed thereafter, does the Act apply to the suretyship? Secondly, if a debtor’s home was sold in execution after default judgment, does the remaining debt which was not recovered from the proceeds become a ‘normal’ debt that prescribes after 3 years? The answer to both questions is ‘no’. The judgment and summary below highlight the reasoning of the court.

The judgment can be viewed here
Summary of the Judgment


PPRA’s latest Guidance Note on Undesirable Business Practices, September 2023

The Regulations to the Property Practitioners Act prohibit various undesirable business practices. Despite this and various industry communications, the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority reports that the practice continues. It has also indicated that it strongly disapproves of developments where such practices are forced upon estate agents. The issue has been referred to both the Competition Commission and the Community Schemes Ombud by the Authority. In our discussion below, we highlight the stakeholders’ points of departure in the context of the legislative prohibition.

Read here to find out more

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